We are always learning... those few words couldn't be truer. There's always lessons to be learned, trades to be taught, things to be explored.
During these few years, I have to admit I have learned alot about myself, others and just life in general. Some are things I have read, others are horrible lessons learned [and still learning mind you].
Not everyone wants to be your friend. ~I've experienced this time and time again. It doesn't matter WHO you are or what you do, who you know, etc. Not everyone will want to form a friendship with you. The best thing to do is just accept it, move on and be thankful for the true friends you have.
Things do get better~It doesn't matter what you're going through now, things change; always. Heartbreak, jobloss, friendloss, or just 'hard times" will change for the better. Yes it does suck, really suck but once you've hit rock bottom, you can only move up from there -that is if you want to-.
Someone always has it WORSE than you~Most of the little things you complain about shouldn't be complains at all.
*Water not hot enough? -Some people don't have clean water period-
*Didn't get exactly what you wanted for your birthday? -Some people live on less than $2.00 a day-
*You're impatient to update your Iphone? -Some people have no technology whatsoever-
*Your favorite food is out of store? -Some people go hungry each day-
I could go on and on with this but basically, most people think theyre life is so much harder than it actually is. Chill and be thankful you have such a blessed life to begin with.
The best things in life are free~Ever sit outside on a nice day or just enjoy the sights around you? Some of the most relaxing times have been when I just laid outside and enjoy the nature around me. To me it seems pointless to waste away watching tv, I rather be outside.
Negativity breeds negativity~Nothing is more consuming more than negative thoughts. If you always see the negative side, that's all you will look for.
There's opportunity in everything~Sometimes it takes a little searching.
Be the change you wish to see in the world~I do my best to live this everyday. Even if it is a small act, it can go along way. Of course one can get discouraged asking themselves "why am I doing this if no one else is?" The answer is simple, the impact you make on the world is bigger than yourself. You are helping more than you know.
Everything works out~Even if it's not in your favor, it always goes the way it is intended. Always. It may take some time to realize it but just look at the bigger picture. Ask yourself "What am I doing now since such and such has happened?" If a relationship didn't work out, think about what that person is doing and also yourself because this event occurred.
Don't wait on doing something~When will 'someday' arrive for you? The answer is it will never because that someday will soon turn into next year, 5 years.. etc. If you want to do something -anything- today is the best day to start on it.
Open up.~Preventing people from seeing the real you can only harm you in the long run. There could be so many amazing people that you could meet &form close bonds with. Of course it doesn't mean to open yourself up to everyone [see previous], it just means if you have a good person in your life that you constantly push away, stop. See what happens when you "let" them in.
Take chances~I would rather get hurt from a chance I took then to live with a regret later. Of course this could sound silly, but it works for me and I never have to wonder "what if?" (Of course I still do with some things) What is the worse thing that could happen if you did? Think about how it could change your life.
Help those in need~Whether it be a donation or volunteering. Nothing can be more satisfying than helping others. The world needs more humanity.
Let loose~Stop being uptight. Run in the rain or simply dance when feel the need to. It's great to let your silliness out. Everyone has it.
Forgive and let anger go~These go hand in hand. It's a freeing feeling and can only help you. It takes energy, time and effort to hate, to hold onto resentments. Let them go. (Working on this myself)
I'll add more later.