Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27, 2010

Couldn't think of a catchy title so I felt the date would suffice.

First, I wanted to say that my weekend was very unmotivated. I cringe when that happens but mostly because I allow it too. Though I did find a new spot to recollect myself... in a tree. =) Also spent some time with my nephew... and I'll tell you, the feeling I get when he looks at me and has a big smile on his face is indescribable. I also took a notice about the world around me. Certain places make me think of horrible things ( such as an 'end of the world' scenario though most people would look at the cable going out for days as the end of the world ) and what percentage of people would survive it. I sensed not many and that deeply disturbs me.

I spent some of my morning reading this new blog called zenhabits. They touch base with living a simple life emotionally and physically. My favorite posts so far are the "5 powerful lessons you can learn from Ghandi" and "the barefoot philosophy" (I practice as much as I can and it's true, it is liberating). They have alot of interesting and helpful articles.

But I wanted to get into the same thing(s) I've always seem to discuss on here. My goals and where I want to go in life. Three major elements in my life have been affecting me negatively (or positively) for quite some time now. I feel like I don't know how to fix it per say...

for starters!!! I know an outside material source will only cover it up for a while so I know that's NOT a feasible solution.

Ahh writer's block... until next time.

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