Sunday, November 28, 2010


Almost the end to this thanksgiving break. I hate to say it but people get too caught up in extended weekends or random days off during the week. For the past 2 years I've known I didn't want to become like that... I wanted to enjoy each day and be thankful for it regardless if it was a "Monday" or a dragging Thursday.

But with each passing day, I am always always always thinking of what I want to do with my life.... and I really can't pinpoint just one thing.

Finally getting over this little cold I had over this weekend. Yay. With no help from meds, my body did a good job. I couldn't do my 5k run Thanksgiving morning due to the cold, but it didn't stop me from going to PA, New Jersey, DC, & doing almost everything I needed to do. Life goes on regardless if you are sick or not so suck it up maaan.

With that being said, I am on a mission to get back into shape. (Some of you will laugh stating I'm in good shape but there is nothing wrong with wanting to tone up)
So I will be doing the "bestie" workout. (If you saw my bestie, you would understand)

Another habit that I have acquired is being thankful despite the situation. If I don't feel like working one day, I am thankful I am in such a position to do so. The same goes for if something isn't going "my way", should something break, what have you I am thankful to be in such a position where I have such amazing opportunities to have such "luck" occur. To some this could get annoying, but whatever it takes to make the world a better place.

Just wanted to rant a little.


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